Near Greenville, OH 45331
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRB322DMBM00 "Replaced rails, unit checks ok."
Near Waynesville, OH 45068
Steve G
Job Details: 10/02/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB750YW0 Install new outer tub stator rotor sensor and shocks cycled unit test OK
Near Dayton, OH 45417
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHS2311PF5 Upon arrival customer stated that top shelf items in the fresh food section are freezing and ice maker won’t get water. Food is freezing because damper isn’t closing as it should. It also froze the water filter. Thawed filter and installed new damper. Cycled to test. All ok. Ice maker is getting water and damper is closing as it should. ; used 1 242303001 (DAMPER) from stock
Near Troy, OH 45373
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF24R7201SR/AA Installed surge protector and freezer door and checked icemaker and checks ok ticket #4154624158
Near Dayton, OH 45431
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHB2868TF7 Install plastic covers
Near Dayton, OH 45405
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/02/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV40J3000EW "Upon arrival found that element was defective on unit, removed and replaced element on unit, ran and checked out, unit checks ok upon techs departure ; used 1 DC97-14486A () from stock"
Near Dayton, OH 45429
Job Details: 10/02/2020
MICROWAVE OVEN FRIGIDAIRE FFMV1645TM Need new door due to handle broken off; ordrng 1 5304509597 (DOOR)
Near Dayton, OH 45458
Job Details: 10/02/2020
RANGE ELECTROLUX EW30EW65GS9 Checks unit over found that the oven sensor had melted and unit was over heating. Replaced sensor and now unit is giving error code for shorted keypad and shorted main control. Unit is 10-15 years old in the kitchen. Did install sensor can not return. Need second man due to double oven.; rqstng P&A on 1 316576651(NLAPERDap) (controller) and 1 318280430 (control panel assy)
Near Dayton, OH 45434
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHENAID KRMF706ESS01 Checked unit over found that the compressor was running but no frost pattern on either evaporator. Put unit in the diagnostics ran compressor and fans and they all ran fine. Unit needs a dye dryer; rqstng P&A on 1 ##### (DYE DRYER)
Near New Carlisle, OH 45344
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR BOSCH B36CL80SNS/04 Freezer door handle needs replaced; ordrng 1 XXX (Freezer door handle)
Near Xenia, OH 45385
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFHS2611PFEA Install control brd sensors and defrost TSTAT and checks ok
Near Dayton, OH 45415
Job Details: 10/02/2020
WASHER LG WM2240CW This part needs added to the job for me to install ; ordrng 1 6601er1004c (LOCK)
Near Mason, OH 45040
Steve G
Job Details: 10/02/2020
MICROWAVE OVEN FRIGIDAIRE FFMV1645TM "Customer states that the unit trip the breaker and had a electrical smell and could see smoke. Installed new inline fuse, load test. MAGTUBE as loud and could hear zapping noise and could smell electrical burning. ; ordrng 1 1111 (BLACK COVER GRILL) and 1 2222 (DIODE) and 1 3333 (INLINE GLASS FUSE) and 1 4444 (MAGTUBE) and 1 5555 (CAPACITOR ), used 1 1111 (INLINE GLASS FUSE) from stock"
Near Dayton, OH 45419
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHC2331PFAA Checked unit out temps and everything checked ok found some ice near EVAP fan cleared out and checks ok
Near Middletown, OH 45042
Steve G
Job Details: 10/02/2020
BEV CENTER ULINE U-1215BEVINT-00A ; saved tckt
Near Dayton, OH 45414
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF23HCEDBSR/AA Upon arrival found unit still showing 70’s in both sections. Put unit into forced mode. Compressor isn’t running. Inverter board is showing an error code that doesn’t show up on tech sheet. Called Samsung and this error is an inverter failure. Unit needs inverter board. ; ordrng 1 DA94-02274B (INVERTER PCB)
Near Dayton, OH 45406
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFSS2614QE6A Defrost drain is plugged up cleared out and checks ok
Near New Lebanon, OH 45345
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/02/2020
WASHER SAMSUNG WA40J3000AW/AA "Installed new console and began removal of washplate to install clutch assembly. Washplate is not coming free from clutch assembly. Washplate will have to be broken to remove. Need to order washplate. Did not break to remove at this time so customer can still use the machine. ; rqstng P&A on 1 DC97-16977A (WASH PLATE), states that autho needed"
Near Dayton, OH 45414
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/02/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MHW6000XW0 Upon arrival found that unit has a bad board ; ordrng 1 W10427972 (cntrl-elec)
Near Dayton, OH 45434
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RS260BBAESR/AA Adjusted left ff door and checks ok ticket #4154626687
Near Vandalia, OH 45377
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FRS6LF7JS5 "Upon arrival found that unit needs new disp module and water paddle ; ordrng 1 241680507 (module,dispenser) and 1 241682003 (actuator,water (blk))"
Near Xenia, OH 45385
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRX986SIHZ00 Installed new ice maker and checks ok
Near Vandalia, OH 45377
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GS6NBEXRS01 "Upon arrival found that freezer side cooling just fine but nothing on fridge, found that damper motor not working on unit; ordrng 1 W10151374 (air diffuser assy)"
Near Versailles, OH 45380
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF263TEAESG/AA Customer still has issue with icemaker compartment. Last tech was out in Aug of 2018. Latest samsung bulletin is May 2019. Updated needs new kit of parts. ; rqstng P&A on 1 DA82-02714A (IM SVC KIT)
Near Hollansburg, OH 45332
Job Details: 10/02/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWC415EW2 "Ordering retainer, rest of unit is together, then to test. CC will move out for Friday.; ordrng 1 W10402178 (retainer)"
Near Xenia, OH 45385
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/02/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDB835DW4 Found loose connection at heating element. Repaired connection. Unit checks ok.
Near Versailles, OH 45380
Job Details: 10/02/2020
WASHER SAMSUNG WF361BVBEWR/A2 Unit will leak slightly around door boot. Needs replaced. See notes.; rqstng P&A on 1 DC97-16596A (DOOR BOOT)
Near Springfield, OH 45506
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE LFHB2751TF "Found icemaker not cycling properly, installed new icemaker. Unit checks ok."
Near Versailles, OH 45380
Job Details: 10/02/2020
RANGE SAMSUNG NE59J7630SS Customer issues with unit overheating. Tested unit on convection bake and bake both. Unit not reading proper temps. Ordering new main control; ordrng 1 DE92-03761B (MAIN CONTROL)
Near Dayton, OH 45440
Job Details: 10/02/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID KFIS29PBMS01 kitchen EVAP coil has a leak ordering new coil and dye drier; rqstng P&A on 1 W10143759 (drier (service)) and 1 W10608485 (evaporator)
Near Dayton, OH 45424
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/02/2020
DISHWASHER MAYTAG MDB8989SHZ0 "Found top rack adjuster not staying on track properly, ordered adjusters.; ordrng 2 W10195839 (adjuster)s and 2 W10546503 (adjuster)s"
Near Springfield, OH 45504
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/02/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED49STBW1 "Found door seal not staying in place, ordered door seal.; ordrng 1 W10906683 (seal-door)"
Near Dayton, OH 45419
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER GE GTD42EASJ2WW Checked unit over found that the door was bent the door hinges were bent and the door latch broken. Hinges were replaced less then two months ago. Not covered by Lowe’s I called and left a message for customer to call me and see what he wants to do.
Near Dayton, OH 45429
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER GE GDP665SYN2FS fixed door seal. Checks ok
Near Centerville, OH 45458
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR BOSCH B20CS80SNS/01 Check unit over found a second leak in the waterline cut and spliced in connector. Checks OK
Near Dayton, OH 45434
Job Details: 10/01/2020
RANGE LG LRE30757ST/01 Replaced parts listed checks ok
Near New Carlisle, OH 45344
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER-DRYER COM LG WM3997HWA Found entire lint condensation pipe clogged. Cleared pipe. Unit should dry ok. Heater checks ok.
Near Tipp City, OH 45371
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRF555SDFZ02 Installed new icemaker unit is cycling OK
Near West Milton, OH 45383
Job Details: 10/01/2020
OVEN GE JSP47B0F4BB Install new oven control. Oven is working properly
Near Liberty Township, OH 45044
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFFU20F2VW0 Installed new gasket check OK
Near Eaton, OH 45320
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER BOSCH SHE6AP05UC/03 Installed new control and ran unit to test. All ok no more E24 error. Unit drains as it should.
Near Moraine, OH 45439
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER WHIRLPOOL WDF320PADW1 Replaced shorted control. Checks ok
Near Lewisburg, OH 45338
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHEN AID KUDE70FXPA5 Installed new touchpad and ran diagnostics to test. No errors and unit ran through cycle with no issues. All ok.
Near Dayton, OH 45434
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV56H9100EG/A2 Checked unit over found that the heater was working properly but the unit could not vent out the air. Instructed customer to clean the vents and to be careful using it because it can cause a fire hazard.
Near Tipp City, OH 45371
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER BOSCH SHX68T55UC/02 Unit overflowed causing flooding device to activate. Water has subsided and is now working properly
Near Greenville, OH 45331
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER GE GTW680BSJ6WS "Customer issue claims they had grease or something in the washer. Took unit apart, showed manager there is no grease but a heavy buildup of soap and fabric softener residue, from outside of basket, top ring and outer tub. Pics attached. Put everything back together, unit operates ok. Collected service call fee."
Near Greenville, OH 45331
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WFW8740DW1 "Put unit into diagnostics had F9E1 error code, for long drain. Checked all possible causes per tech sheet. Also had F3E1 water level system error, and F5E2 for door lock but customer claims only seeing the F9E1 error. Proceeded to standard tests all passed. Checked drain cleanout again, checked pump. Checked pressure switch and hose to trap and tub all clear. Standpipe is ok. "
Near Piqua, OH 45356
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE GFE28GMKMES Installed main board. Entered diagnostics with NewFI. Monitoring heater progress
Near Saint Paris, OH 43072
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV40J3000EW/A2 "Unit not heating due to bad heating element. Found broken idler pulley as well Replaced element and pulley. unit heating okJob authorized; used 1 DC93-00634A (IDLER PULLEY), and 1 DE486A (ELEMENT) from stock"
Near Urbana, OH 43078
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL LEN2000LW0 "Replaced heating element and fuse. Unit overheated due to element shorted out on casing and blew the fuse; used 1 279838 (ELEMENT), and 1 3392519 (FUSE) from stock"
Near Mason, OH 45040
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FGHF2366PFEA Unit is not making ice. Found that the fill tube was frozen. Thawed out and put foil tape on the tube.
Near Lebanon, OH 45036
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FFID2426TS4A Install new main board and latch assembly cycled unit test OK
Near Monroe, OH 45050
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED9200SQ1 "Unit will not start. Check the fuses, and customer needs main relay board. Customer was given an est. 474. Customer is not going to repair."
Near Monroe, OH 45050
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF28JBEDBSG/AA 06 Customer states that the ice is melting together. Ask the customers several questions regarding use of ice. Did advise the customer that they need to use more ice to break it up and auger it forward. Explain to customer why they are sticking together.
Near Liberty Township, OH 45044
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG DV45K6500EV/A3 01 Install new motor assembly cycle test OK
Near Beavercreek, OH 45431
Job Details: 10/01/2020
RANGE FRIGIDAIRE FFEH3054USA Needs main control and overlay.; ordrng 1 316419380 (OVERLAY) and 1 5304514108 (CONTROLLER )
Near Piqua, OH 45356
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF28JBEDBSG/AA Icemaker freezing over. Need service kit04/2018; ordrd 1 DA82-02675A (IMK SVC KIT)
Near Trotwood, OH 45426
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE n/a Installed new dispenser and ran to test. All ok. Unit performs as it should.
Near Dayton, OH 45410
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER GE WSSH300G1WW Upon arrival tenant stated that unit isn’t washing well and has an odor. Leaving white residue on clothes. Residue is fabric softener. Unit wasn’t dispensing the fabric softener correctly. Pulled dispenser and found holes clogged. Cleaned dispenser and advised tenant of maintenance. Odor is from mildew. Advised on how to clean door boot and ways to prevent mildew build up. All ok.
Near Liberty Township, OH 45044
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER KITCHEN AID KDTM354DSS5 Top rack rail broke apart at the spot welds. ; ordrd 1 W10195840 (positioner) and 1 W11259786 (track)
Near Dayton, OH 45431
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR LG LFXS28566M/02 Installed micro switch and dispenser front because it broke on removal. Ran to test. Ice and water dispense as they should. All ok.
Near Mason, OH 45040
Steve G
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER MAYTAG MEDB835DW4 "Unit is not drying on normal setting, but is drying on other cycles. ; rqstng P&A on 1 W11133021 (cntrl-elec) and 1 W8557403 (THERMISTER ) and 1 W8577274 (THERMISTER ) and 1 WP280148 (FUSE)"
Near Eldorado, OH 45321
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER KENMORE 110.6120201 "Upon arrival found unit with power but won’t start. Checked thermal fuse and it is good. Checked door switch and found it shorted open. Jumpered switch to test. Unit heats and tumbles as it should. Unit needs door switch. Placed order with DAP and will pick up part in the morning and return Friday Oct. 2 in the morning. ; ordrd 1 3406107 (switch,door)"
Near Dayton, OH 45410
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER GE GTW485ASJ4WS "Upon arrival found that unit is working just fine with no issue present, tech had customer observe that unit is functioning ok, unit checks ok upon tech departure"
Near Dayton, OH 45417
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL WRS331FDDW00 Installed new door and cam. Door still has a gap at the top left. Found control knobs hitting door and keeping it open. Removed knobs and door closes as it should. Knobs are original and haven’t been changed. Need to contact Whirlpool and Lowe’s. ; saved tckt
Near Dayton, OH 45405
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR KENMORE 253.7040261 "Upon arrival found that unit is operating normally at this time, customer found breaker off when call was placed to fridge and since turning it back on there has been no issue with fridge"
Near Dayton, OH 45403
Shawn H
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER FRIGIDAIRE FFTW4120SW1 Upon arrival customer stated that unit overfilled and pumped out. Inspected pressure switch and hose. No loose connections. Frequency of pressure switch is good at empty load. No error codes. Ran unit in normal cycle to test. Unit did not overfill. Suspect control is intermittently sensing input from pressure switch incorrectly. Unit needs control. ; ordrng 1 5304511341 (CONTROL)
Near Dayton, OH 45414
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR KITCHEN AID KSS042QMB02 Upon arrival found that controls on unit have gone bad and not allowing unit to run and cool as needed ; ordrng 1 W10219463 (electronic control) and 1 W10839424 (cntrl-elec)
Near Dayton, OH 45414
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER WHIRLPOOL WED95HEXW0 Upon arrival found that unit has a bad thermal fuse ; ordrng 1 W3392519VP (THERMAL FUSE )
Near Clayton, OH 45315
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DRYER SAMSUNG WA400JHDWR/AA After testing unit on different cycles and from past complaints tech feels that support rods and sensor need changed to fix customer issue; ordrng 1 DC31-00153A (SENSOR) and 1 DC97-16350C (RODS)
Near Vandalia, OH 45377
Shaun S
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG Rf323TEDBSR/AA "Upon arrival contacted tech support and spoke to Ernst concerning customer issue, after going through with test and checks was demeed need to change out defrost sensor attached to line set ; ordrng 1 DA32-10104N (temp sensor)"
Near Versailles, OH 45380
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FPID2798SF6A "Per HHS request took pictures of damage to the unit, attached to sd pics and showed customer. Damage to top of unit and is bowed in with upper spray arm not allowing silverware drawer to open. Customer move in date was Aug. 7th.; saved tckt"
Near New Weston, OH 45348
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW1 "Customer claims unit will sometimes just shut down or not finish cycle? Unit is a maytag that has the touch sensitive panel. Put unit into diagnostics, read error codes. Unit has F2E1 stuck button on ui. F5E1 lid switch fault and a F7E0 loss of power. Checked power coming in from plug ok. user interface console and lid lock assembly.; rqstng P&A on 1 W10810403 (lid lock assy) and 1 W11135391 (console)"
Near Englewood, OH 45322
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR JENN AIR JRS229A Replaced defrost timer and defrost thermostat and checked OK
Near Greenville, OH 45331
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF263BEAESG Unit has im compartment issues. Ordering im svc kit per latest service bulletin.; rqstng P&A on 1 DA82-02697A (IM SVC KIT)
Near Dayton, OH 45431
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR WHIRLPOOL GB2FHDXWQ01 Not defrosting needs a new control board and bimetal; ordrng 1 12639324SP (bimetl-def) and 1 12868513 (cntrl-elec)
Near Englewood, OH 45322
Job Details: 10/01/2020
UPRIGHT / CHEST FRIGIDAIRE FFC09C2AW0 Compressor is locked up
Near Dayton, OH 45424
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/01/2020
RANGE SAMSUNG NE58F9500SS/AA "Found fan assembly making noise, ordered new fan.; ordrng 1 dg96-00110b(PW) (FAN ASSEMBLY)"
Near Centerville, OH 45459
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FFTR1425VW Found loose connection on main brd
Near Springfield, OH 45502
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/01/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF34H9960S4/AA "Found icemaker frozen up, icemaker not cycling properly. Ice container has multiple cracks. Ordered icemaker, ice container, and main control board. Located in the kitchen, manufactured 9/2014.; rqstng P&A on 1 UNKNOWN (ICEMAKER FF SECTION) and 1 UNKNOWN (ICE CONTAINER) and 1 UNKNOWN (MAIN CONTROL)"
Near Springfield, OH 45503
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER MAYTAG MVWB765FW0 "Found gearcase leaking oil, making loud noise. Ordered gearcase. Located in the laundry room, manufactured 3/2017. Double labor requested for this repair.; rqstng P&A on 1 W10811956 (drum assy), states that autho needed"
Near Xenia, OH 45385
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/01/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW7500GC0 "Found control not responding, needs control. Called rent a center, talked to Rhonda, they do not want to repair unit."
Near Xenia, OH 45385
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER LG LDP6797ST "Found leak sensor had build up of water under it, not allowing unit to operate. Giving AE error code. Removed water from sensor. Checked all operations for leak. Found no leaks. Unit checks ok. Informed customer to be cautious with allowing dishwashing soap into unit."
Near Fairborn, OH 45324
Brad Anders
Job Details: 10/01/2020
DISHWASHER GE GSD640P-36BA "Found clamp at drain pump not sealing properly, adjusted clamp and hose. Unit is working properly."
Near Moraine, OH 45439
Job Details: 09/30/2020
WASHER SPEED QUEEN AFNE9BSP116TW01 Replaced motor control. Checks ok
Near Covington, OH 45318
Job Details: 09/30/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE PWE23KSKESS Found Tube line rubber mastic laying beneath defrost heater causing odor in fresh food evaporator section
Near Troy, OH 45373
Job Details: 09/30/2020
RANGE LG LTE4815ST/00 If problem persists far left and far right switches will need to be replaced
Near Dayton, OH 45432
Job Details: 09/30/2020
WASHER KENMORE 110.2110201 Repaired wiring to capacitor. Checks ok
Near Tipp City, OH 45371
Job Details: 09/30/2020
Near Beavercreek, OH 45434
Job Details: 09/30/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF28HFEDTSR Installed perma gum round door seal. Checks OK
Near Kettering, OH 45429
Job Details: 09/30/2020
DRYER MAYTAG LDE5004ACW Replaced motor and blower wheel. Checks ok
Near Dayton, OH 45440
Job Details: 09/30/2020
MICROWAVE FRIGIDAIRE FMV156DCG Checked unit over found shorted turntable motor. Replaced turntable motor instructed customer to replace lightbulbs because they were not covered.
Near Centerville, OH 45458
Job Details: 09/30/2020
MICROWAVE FRIGIDAIRE FGMV173KQB Checked unit over found that unit was loud and buzzing. Unit would not heat up at all power going to magnetron but magnetron was not heating. Unit needs new magnetron microwave will have to be removed from the wall to install.
Near Germantown, OH 45327
Job Details: 09/30/2020
REFRIGERATOR GE GSE25HSKHSS Replaced shorted icemaker. Checks ok; pckd up 1 WR30X10093 (icemaker asm)
Near Lebanon, OH 45036
Steve G
Job Details: 09/30/2020
HOME LAUNDRY ELE SAMSUNG ELECTRON DVE50M7450W/A3 Customer states that the unit is not heating. Found the thermal fuse shorted out. Installed new fuse. Cycled. Adv customer to have house vent clean out. ; used 1 DC96-00887C (BRACKET THERMOFUSE) from stock
Near Germantown, OH 45327
Job Details: 09/30/2020
RANGE ELECTROLUX E36DF76TPS Installed conversion kit and tested. Checks ok
Near Brookville, OH 45309
Shawn H
Job Details: 09/30/2020
REFRIGERATOR SAMSUNG RF263BEAEBC/AA Upon arrival found unit humming from rear. Noise is coming from the compressor compartment. Removed cover and noise went away. Reposition foam pieces that insulated lines against cover and reinstalled cover. No more noise. All ok.
Near Kettering, OH 45409
Job Details: 09/30/2020
DISHWASHER FRIGIDAIRE FGID2466QF4A Replaced spray arm. Checks ok
Near Covington, OH 45318
Job Details: 09/30/2020
WASHER WHIRLPOOL WTW8500DC2 F8E1. Low water pressure. Customer needs to keep valve screens clean
Near Englewood, OH 45322
Shaun S
Job Details: 09/30/2020
REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRE FRT18L4JW8 "Upon arrival found that unit is not cooling properly . unit has turned into a double fridge, leak in system no repair''